Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vermont Last Day Covers

Last Day of the North Derby, Vermont Post Office

My previous two blogs have been concerned with 19th Century material. Let's examine some 20th Century material. The February 2010 issue of the Vermont Philatelist, the official journal of the Vermont Philatelic Society has a lead article by Vermont postal historian Bill Lizotte about the Last Day Covers of Vermont. At the current time there are about 100 post offices recorded with last day covers from 1930 to the 2010. Lizotte notes that another 30 post offices were also closed in that time period for which no last day covers have been located.

Other articles in the Vermont Philatelist are a survey of Vermont 1847 Stamped Covers based on the recent auction at Siegels as well the 2009 "Muppet Letters to Santa" DVD promotion from Burlington and White River Junction processing plants.

If you would like a sample pdf of the February 2010 VP, email me at

I have also created an Internet Bonus on a series of articles written in the 1960s about the 1847 stamps used in Vermont. It's at the society webpage:

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