Sunday, June 28, 2015

Pictorial Cancels: 1st Half of 2015

The first half of 2015 was rather slow for pictorial cancels.  There were none used until May which had two cancels and then only three in June. Four of the five were part of ongoing series from previous years.\

2015 version of the Bethel History Fair. This series began in 2011 in South Royalton.

The Floating Bridge in Brookfield has recently been renovated.

The Chittenden County Stamp Club has commemorated the Civil War for the last five years.  This cancel is the last one in the series of five.

The Washington County Stamp Club has honored the Vermont Mountaineers baseball team with cancels since 2006.  Thus this is the 10 entry into the series.

Teenie's Fishing Derby is an annual event in Chittenden, Vermont in the central Green Mountains.  This is the 10th entry into the series which also began in 2006.

If you're interested in more information about Vermont Pictorial cancels, visit my website containing example for the last 30+ year: Vermont Pictorial Cancels

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