Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Flags of Our Nation: Vermont (August 2012)

The USPS issued the sixth and final section of the Flags of Our Nation coil stamps on August 16, 2012 in Sacramento, California at the APS Stampshow.  One of the stamps shows the Vermont State Flag, the state seal on a field of blue.  This has been the Vermont state flag since 1923.

Beside the FDoI  b/w and digital cancels used at Sacramento, there were First Day of Sale cancels used August 16th at each of the state capitals.  These were usually accompanied by a local FDoS ceremony. However, in Vermont, August 16th is a Bennington Battle Day, a state holiday.  A dedication ceremony of the new stamp was held in the Statehouse the next day, August 17.

The designs of both cancels are similar with the August 16th design reading "FIRST DAY OF SALE" while the August 17th design reads "State House Station".

Artist Tom Engeman was the designer for the whole 60 stamp series.

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