Friday, September 17, 2010

1st "FIRST DAY OF SALE" cancel in Vermont

A few years ago, the USPS introduced "FIRST DAY OF SALE" cancels at any post office that was willing to purchase one. Beginning in 2007, the Postal Service agreed to allow new stamps to be sold nationwide on the First Day of Issue. Stamps would still be officially issued at one post office designated by the USPS and that post office would have a "FIRST DAY OF ISSUE" cancel.

A local stamp collector arranged for the Bethel Vermont post office to acquire one of the special cancels.

A word about the cachet on this cover. Calvin Coolidge became president while he was visiting his father at Plymouth, Vermont in 1923. He and Chester Arthur are the 2 men born in Vermont who have served at president of the United States.

1 comment:

  1. The Bethel postmaster has been very courteous in responding to cancellation requests for this cancel, but I'm having trouble locating offices which have this. Does anyone know of any other post offices which offer this cancel?

    I've compiled a list of those I know of:
